Thursday, April 13, 2017

Traffic jams

When it comes to traffic jams, most of us would curse under breath. For traffic congestion causes too much inconvenience to our daily life. However, we should think about the phenomenon.
It's we that cause the congestion. Instead of complaining about it, cheap nfl jerseys, action should be taken to improve the situation.
First of all, as for our citizens, we can choose public transportation in rush hours. It will not only save our time but also reduce the pollution caused by cars. In the meantime, we should not drive only for the sake of our own convenience and should also pursue 'green travel' and civilized driving. For example, when traveling, we can choose local buses or subway to view more beautiful sight. Besides, as more and more people have come into possession of their private cars, the number of private cars should be limited. What's more, the efficiency of public transport has to be enhanced. And more attention should be attached on public transportation construction.
All in all,cheap hats, it's high time that we should find a solution to the problem.

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